Welk Resorts Check-in & Guest Room Literature // Created a Cohesive “Look and Feel” for all Onsite Resort Literature // Design, Layout & Print Production
Welk Resorts Newsletter (sent to Vacation Owners Association) // Design, Layout, Partial Photography and Copywriting, Print Production and Mailhouse Coordination
Welk Resorts San Diego Golf // Designed Postcards, Rate Sheets and ProShop Retail Signage // Postcard Design, Layout, Print Production and Mailhouse Coordination
Welk Resorts San Diego Job Fair Banner // Design can easily resize depending on tradeshow space // Design, Layout & Print Production
Welk Resorts San Diego Theatre 2009 Entertainment Guide // Design, Layout, Illustrations and Print Production
Welk Resorts San Diego Theatre 2008 Entertainment Guide // Design, Layout, Theatre Show Illustrations and Print Production